help ful tips to start a business

Learn More To Earn More 

Last week I pre-ordered my copy of Myleik Teele’s “Learn More to Earn More” Journal. I am constantly trying to better myself. I want to be more organized and arrange my thoughts in a way that makes it easier to execute them. I know you guys are probably wondering what the journal is going to do to help that, and that is what made me decide to share this post with all of you. 

Myleik is an entrepreneur and considerably the Oprah Winfrey of my generation (if you ask me). She is a go getter and has worn many hats in her career. You guys may know her as the owner and CEO of curlBOX a natural hair product subscription service. For years Myleik has been producing podcasts (Myleik Taught You) where she gives insight on how to channel your inner CEO. The casts vary from how to approach a mentor, to tips on how to stop procrastinating and exercises on how to get things done. She has encapsuled her thoughts and other helpful things inside of a Journal and made it available to all of us. 

I always knew about Myleik’s podcasts but I had never tuned into a podcast before and wasn’t sure how it worked. After I purchased my copy of the journal; I went ahead and downloaded the podcast app and looked up her channel. I wanted to make sure that I was prepared for all the journal had to offer and I began listening to the podcasts beginning with the very first one. I took out my note pad and began noting down key points that stood out to me. I will share one of my favorite quotes of hers with you guys

“The only difference between where you are right now and where you will be next year, is the people you meet and the books you read.”
                                                                             – Myleik Teele

 After siting through hours of podcasts my Myleik marathon was complete. I am totally ready for all this journal has to offer. If you have already purchased the journal but haven’t checked out the podcasts I do urge you to do so. You won’t be disappointed.  If you haven’t purchased the book and are still on the fence about purchasing the seminars will definitely tip the scale in her favor. They aren’t long at all (usually not more than 10 minutes) and are pack with a wealth of information for the go-getter.

According to the site the journal contains instructions on how Myleik was able to write her way to success. It is said to be a perfect way to capture and organize your own thoughts and dreams allowing over 150 pages so you can write a success of your own. The journal is available now for Pre-Order for only $20 and ships in April.